
Monday, 23 June 2014

Its hot in Virginia!

Although cooler today, we have had temperatures approaching 100 degrees which is VERY hot.  So much more so, as everywhere in America is super cooled with air conditioning.  So when you do step outside it's a bit like walking into a sauna.

Our house is situated 10 miles south of Richmond, the state capital.  There is lots to do and see in Richmond, but downtown has mainly banks and office blocks. 

The James river runs East to West just below Richmond and at that point, is quite shallow with lots of boulders and some great rapids for expert canoeists.  There are miles of riverside walks here, with walkers venturing out on the massive smooth boulders scattered across the river bed.  Great fun if you have the right footwear.

The river is particularly relevant to us, as it was the English who first travelled along the James River, creating the first settlement in the United States at Jamestown, in the early 1600's. 

The emblem of Virginia is the Cardinal bird who has the elongated shape of the thrush, but with a plum coloured breast and head.  This bird is quite striking and seems to be found in pairs almost wherever you go. 

More news from Virginia soon.  I hope to get a picture of a cardinal bird and other snippets of historical information.

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